Saturday, March 3, 2007

Good Taste Bah Kut Teh Restaurant

Had breakfast this morning at this restaurant called Good Taste Bah Kut Teh. I had tried the bah kut teh with some colleagues prior to this, but according to hubby, the pan meen there is also nice. So went to try it out.

To those that like the really thinly peel of mee huen kueh (the hand peeled pan meen), will like this. But to me, I prefer it better if the kueh could be thicker. Cant really taste the kueh now since it is too thin. Size of the serving is extremely small compared to the size of the bowl.

The bah kut teh tasted extremely herbal, but well it taste better than the one in town for sure... but nothing compared to those in Klang..... hahaha....

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