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Thursday, April 21, 2016

Chocolate Lava Cake

Had been wanting to bake this chocolate lava cake for quite sometime but just too lazy and then when I'm in the mood, then I realised that the air fryer is in the dishwasher.

Finally, yesterday the MKR contestants bake this for their dessert and ok, I'm making it today.

Do note, I spent less than 20mins for the entire thing (taking out ingredients to the point of popping them into the mouth).


  • 100g dark chocolate
  • 100g butter
  • 50g castor sugar (can reduce if you don't like it that sweet though this is just right I think)
  • 19g plain flour
  • 1g baking powder
  • 2 eggs


  1. Place the chocolate and butter in microwave safe bowl and melt them in the microwave on medium temp for bout 1.5mins
  2. While the butter is melting, whisk the eggs and castor sugar till it is pale and frothy.
  3. Stir the chocolate and butter till it is even and add in to the egg mixture. Then sift in the flour and baking powder.
  4. Gently mix the mixture with a spatula till mixture is even and the flour is well mix.
  5. Preheat the air fryer for 2mins at 180c
  6. Grease the ramekin with butter. Pour the mixture to the ramekin till is it 3/4 full.
  7. Bake at 180c for 8mins.
* Note: I have not tested it on the oven and hence no idea how long time it is required but I suspect it may need maybe a min more.

Look at the lava that's oozing out


  1. I follow exactly ur recipe but do not get the lava at all.. Wondering what and where went wrong?

  2. Hi Eva,

    Did u leave it in the air fryer for a while before taking it out? It has to be removed immediately. Otherwise, try one min lesser.

