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Monday, July 6, 2015

Spinach Pesto

These nice yummy healthy spinach pesto that you can use it to spread on sandwich or mix with your fav pasta as the sauce is so easy to make. The recipe is slightly adapted from the Woolworth recommended recipe with a slight twist to meet the preference of my eldest.


  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 small handful of basil (roughly 4-5leaves)
  • 1 big bunch of spinach, roughly one cup
  • 6-7pcs of almond (you can either used skinned or those not)
  • 1 small floret of broccoli
  • 3-4 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
  1. Wash and dry all the leaves to be used.
  2. Put all the ingredients in the blender (I used only the small mini hand blender).
  3. Blitz them for about 1-2mins. Open up and scrap the side and continue blitzing.
  4. If the mixture is too dry, try adding a little bit more of the EVOO.
  5. If you will like to use this for adult or older kids that will prefer a little bit more seasoning, you can just flavour it with some home made anchovies stock powder or chicken stock powder or even parmesan cheese powder.

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