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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Cheat Curry Fish Head

I bought a big fish recently and got the fish monger to cut the fish to half for us and hubby requested for fish curry. So, I cooked up this cheat version so that I don't need to get so many ingredients and spent to much time (I have a baby and a 6yo to attend to).

So, this is the fish head curry...


  • one fish head, roughly 600g
  • a big handful of frozen okra (no fresh one available since mine is last min decision to cook and shop for ingredients)
  • 4 pieces of taufu pok
  • 1 tablespoon of shredded coconut
  • 2 tablespoon of onion
  • a few leaves of curry leaf
  • one chopped tomato
  • 2tablespoon of nyonya sambal (bottled from asian grocer)
  • 2 tablespoon of baba's fish curry powder
  • 1cup water
  • 0.5 cup milk
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • salt to season

  1. Clean the fish head, season with a little salt and air fried it at 180c for 15mins. 
  2. At the last 5mins, add in the taufu pok to air fry too.
  3. Heat up the wok and add in the oil. Saute the curry leaves and onion till almost brown.
  4. Stir in the water, curry powder and sambal.
  5. Then add in the okra, taufu pok, tomato and fish head.
  6. Simmer for 7-8mins for each side of the fish and turn and simmer another 5-6mins.
  7. Finally, add in the milk and shredded coconut and let it thicken a little.
  8. Season before serving.

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