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Thursday, March 8, 2018

Layered Kaya Steam Bun aka Asian Mille Feuile

I was looking online for something different to make besides the typical oven bake kinda food for either breakfast or lunchbox and stumble upon this interesting photo. Hence launched into a search for the recipe. It is actually not cake but steam bun layered up with kaya in between each layer. This is soft and fluffy and smells great too... glad my no 1 likes it.

 Trying to make it more "chinese" so added the prosperity word on it... with my home made stencil (mom was wondering since when I can do such pretty chinese word).


  • 40 g sugar 
  • 40 g palm sugar 
  • 200 ml undiluted fresh coconut milk (I used coconut cream in the can)
  • 4 young, light green pandan leaves wash and cut 5 cm long (no fresh one, dried one, still smells good)
  • 4 yolks (make sure there's no egg white at all)
  1. Dissolve sugar, palm sugar and coconut milk (along with the pandan leaves) on medium high heat, maintain and gentle simmer stage. 
  2. Once the sugar melted, scoop partial of the mixture on the beaten egg yolks, little by little (roughly 1/3 to half).
  3. Then continue stirring the coconut milk mixture while slowing add in the egg yolks with partial of the coconut mixture all into the saucepan. Stir it at low heat till the mixture thicken to your desired thickness. As I wanted to use it for this recipe, I make sure it is rather thick. It should take roughly bout 4-5mins.
*This is a quick so called 5mins kaya recipe but I had spent longer as I it thick.


  • Part 1: Starter or Sponge dough
    • 250g pao or low protein flour
    • 200g water
    • 1/4tsp (1g) commercial/instant yeast
  1. Mix and set aside over night, roughly 12-13hours (room temperature - timing depending on the weather, if hot, not more than 12hrs)

  • Part 2: Bun Dough
    • 150g pao or low protein flour
    • 50g sugar
    • 1tsp baking powder
    • 40g cooking oil (I don't like shortening and so I substituted it with oil)
  1. Knead all ingredients from part 1 and 2 together to form a soft and smooth dough. It takes roughly 5-10mins to achieve that with hand. The dough is rather soft and a bit hard to handle.
  2. Leave it to proof for bout an hour.
  3. Prepare a baking tin roughly 9inch, layered with non stick baking paper.
  4. Divide into 10portions, shape into ball before flattening and roll to round disc (roughly bout 8inch so as to allow space for it to proof).
  5. Stack the first piece into the baking tin and spread the kaya over it. The original recipe asked for a tablespoon, but I was greedy, I put in more coz I prefer it to have more of it.
  6. Continue stacking the bun doughs and spreading the kaya jam on every layer (except the last top one). Cover with a cloth and let it proof for another 2 hrs.
  7. Heat up a pot of water and steam the bun. It should takes bout 30-35mins on medium low heat.
  8. Once done, take it out to cool before slicing in... the bun should rise and filled up the entire cake tin, looks really fluffy and felt really light.
Bon apetit 

Note: you may choose to use jam or any other spread if you don't like or too lazy to make the kaya jam.

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