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Monday, May 18, 2015

Blueberry and Yogurt Loaf

Since my almost 1 year old darling loves bread, mommy needs to bake more of it and makes a variety so that she gets her nutrients (she sort of don't really eat). And coincidentally I saw Farmer's Jack selling frozen fruits on loose rather than pre packed... hence blueberry bread.


  • 275g bread flour
  • 25g cake flour
  • 3g yeast
  • 50g over night starter dough, recipe here
  • 30g sugar
  • 1g salt
  • 125 warm fresh milk (if you using mixer or hand to knead, if bread machine, it is ok to be just cold)
  • 5g olive oil
  • 50g plain greek yogurt
  • roughly 15-20g blueberries either fresh or frozen (I was even too lazy to thaw it)


  1. Place all ingredients, except the blueberries in the mixing bowl starting with the dry stuff then wet. Ensure that you don't put the yeast and salt together. 
  2. If you using bread machine, use basic dough function to knead. Otherwise, use the mixer or hand to mix till the dough forms a nice soft elastic dough. Finally add in the blueberries and let it proof for 1hr.
  3. Then knead again and fold the bread over and over. Place it on the baking tin and proof another 1 to 1.5hrs.
  4. Preheat oven at 180C for 10mins. Bake for 20mins.

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