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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Collagen Broth

I saw someone posted  collagen broth that she used as soup based and has lots of goodness, I decided to google it and give it a try.

It is sort of almost the same as preparing the soup based for ramen, but shorter time and less ingredients. There is no onion, leek, shallots, etc

I used mine for my ramen served with kimchi, shredded seaweed and air fried beef fingers slices.


  • a big handful, roughly 500g of chicken feet
  • 1kg of bone marrow (that's the type of name labelled for the bone) 
  • 1 chicken carcass
  • 4l of water
  1. Boiled some water and placed the bone in there to boil for about 4-6mins. Washed the bones clean
  2. Then put all the ingredients in the big pot and boil for 3-4hrs. Mine is sort of a cheat. I used the thermos cooker pot and I boiled it for 40mins, placed in the cooker pot for over night and boil it again and leave it there for another 3-4hrs.
  3. Used the filter to filter the soup before storing in the container. I have one just in the fridge that I'm using it now and the other container in the freezer coz I'll be using it later.
  4. Season with salt before using or you can omit that if you are like me, prefer the original taste.

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