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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Mocha Cream Cheese Bun

  • 300g bread.high protein flour
  • 15g coffee powder
  • 15g chocolate powder
  • 5g instant yeast
  • 50g sugar
  • 3g salt
  • 7g milk powder
  • 190g water
  • 40g butter
  • 140g cream cheese
  • 50g sugar
  • 50g cheddar cheese

  • 3tbsp milk to brush the bun
  1. Put in all the ingredients for the dough in the mixing bowl in order. Knead on the mixer for about 20-35mins (I used speed 4/5 for about 35mins on my Kenwood). The dough needs to reached window pane stage to be ready. This will mean being able to stretch out as thin layer as possible without breaking.
  2. Set aside to proof till double (should take bout 40mins if weather is warm or could be up to almost 2hours if it is quite cold)
  3. Mix the filling ingredients till evenly distributed. I used the creaming hook on my Kenwood, very easy, it only took me bout 15seconds to get this down. Divide them into 10 blobs on the baking paper and store in the fridge. This will make it easier to wrap later.
  4. Once the dough has double, punch down the air and divide to 10pieces. Wrap the filling into the dough and let it rest for another 40-50mins.
  5. Preheat oven at 160c (180c if non forced fan and 140c if using air fryer)
  6. Brush some milk at the top of the bun and then bake for 15mins or till done.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Soft Fluffy Cheese Bun

Recently in the Facebook Breadmaker Group, people are going crazy on Sunny Bread recipe by Mandy and I used the recipe with a little tweak to meet my preference to make this Cheese Bun.

  • 80g milk
  • 50g cream
  • 20g butter
  • 1 XL egg (roughly 60-70g)
  • 250g high protein or bread flour
  • 3g yeast
  • 20g milk powder
  • 30g sugar
  • 3g salt
  1. Put all ingredients in order above in the mixer. Knead on low speed for bout 1-2mins till the ingredients combined.
  2. Increase the speed of the mixer to high and knead the dough till it reaches window pane stage. Based on Mandy's recipe, it takes about 45mins to reach that stage, but I just checked on the dough after bout that time too. In order to know if the dough is right, pull out a small piece and stretch it out to very thin layer. If you are able to do so, means it is ready, otherwise continue kneading. The dough should not be sticky
  3. Oil the mixing boil and let the dough rest. Since it is rather cold now here as it is still winter, I preheat the oven for 1min on 50c and let the dough rest in there and after bout 15mins, repeat the heating again. It should take bout 40-60mins for the dough to get to double the size.
  4. After resting, punch the dough down and divide to the size you want and mine is to four pieces. Roll it out to straight one direction, then fold it the same direction. Leave it to rest another 10mins covered.
  5. After second rest, roll out the dough on the other direction (if just now portrait, now landscape) and roll it out and let it rest another 10mins.
  6. Finally, pull the side of the dough to form a round dough and leave it on the baking pan to rest for another 40-50mins.
  7. Preheat oven at 170c.
  8. After the last rest, brush some milk on the dough and sprinkle with lots of shredded cheddar.
  9. Bake the bun for 15min or till golden.