Suddenly feel like resurrecting this blog and put up some recipes. Attended a baking class last Saturday and one of the item learnt is scones.
Just need to note that the instructor uses a gas oven and hence it is not as hot as electric oven, but of course it also depends to the type of oven u use.
100g low protein flour
100g flour
8g soda powder
10g granulated sugar
80ml milk
100g butter
raisins and chopped chocolate (amount depending to how much u like, but roughly 3/4 cup)
1. Mix the raisins and chopped chocolate together.
2. Mix the first four ingredients together. Then use a mixer to blend in the butter (cut to small pieces, need to be cold). Texture should be like bread crumbs.
3. Add in the milk and combine the mixture till it sticks together. Divide to two, press it down. Add on the raisins and chopped chocolate on top of one piece and the top it with the 2nd half.
4. Wrapped the dough in cling wrap and chill it in the fridge for 30mins (or freezer for 10mins).
5. Roll the dough to bout 2cm thickness, use any shape cutters to cut it out.
6. Transfer the dough to the baking sheets (oiled with butter). Brushed some milk at the top of the dough.
7. Bake for 25mins (recipe says 30mins) at 180 degree Celsius. To check if cooked, it should be golden brown in color and when u poke a toothpick in, it should come out clean. :D
8. Remove from oven and cool it.